Protecting our Plants

Himalayan balsam

Himalayan balsam is an invasive, non-native plant that grows rapidly and spreads quickly, smothering other vegetation as it goes.

Unfortunately, we have discovered the plant in our grounds, including in the Fen (a sensitive area).

As it is an annual plant (grows, flowers, seeds and dies all within one season) it is best to remove it in the early summer months before seeding occurs.

This Thursday, our ecologist Georgia and her son (who kindly volunteered to help out) pulled the plant from its root and removed it from the Fen.

As there was only a small patch of it there, it was easily removed by hand. However, we need external help from The Ryevitalise Landscape Partnership team to control the rest of it which has spread through our grounds.

Such efforts aim to protect the plants in our grounds and increase their diversity.

Removing Himalayan balsam

Georgia's son removing himalayan balsam from the Fen in our grounds.