The Passing of St Benedict

Ampleforth Abbey

The Passing of St Benedict 

A note from our Master of Ceremonies and Support Staff Chaplain

This evening the community sang 1st Vespers of the Passing of our Holy Father St Benedict. This is a major feast in the life of Benedictines throughout the world and as many of you will know this day will be a very different day for the students and some staff of the College to mark this special day. For those of us who must carry on as normal I hope this day in some small way can be marked, even if it means a little treat like a piece of chocolate, or an extra piece of fruit – yes, spoil yourself!

We celebrate the Passing of St Benedict, the day he died. I know for many of us when someone dies we do not usually celebrate in this way, we are sad and grieved. This is normal and I am sure those first disciples of St Benedict were also saddened when he died but they also knew that in time we must all leave this earthly life. Death for Christians is not the end, it is indeed a passing over from one state of being to the next, this is the hope we carry. And so let us find a moment to celebrate this passing of one who is so important to monks, and if you know of someone who has passed away recently then perhaps spend a moment in prayer or thanksgiving for the gift of their life.

Finally if you have a moment please pop into the Church and take a look at the wonderful new altar which arrived yesterday. This altar will be blessed at the Mass today at 11.15am by Fr Gabriel. It is a wonderful work of art, and a big thank you to all those who worked so hard on this. The altar was commissioned by Abbot Cuthbert several years ago, and Gerry Rogerson worked on the design which is amazing! A big thank you as well to those of our staff who worked so lovingly on this project: Mark Podgorski, Anthony Pooleman, Terry Harrington, Helen Jones and Richard Laverick. Thank you all for making this possible. So come and have a look – you will not be disappointed!

Every blessing to you and your family and friends on this Feast of St Benedict.